Marcin Floryan
Kdo je Marcin?
Marcin je strasten vodja, ki deluje v svetu tehnologije. Osredotočen je na razumevanje celote in ustvarjanje okolja, v katerem lahko ljudje skupaj opravljajo svoje najboljše delo. Prizadeva si biti vključujoč in sočuten vodja, ki ustvarja okolje z visoko stopnjo psihološke varnosti, v katerem so napake dovoljene in se nanje gleda kot priložnost za učenje. Trenutno v podjetju Spotify vodi produktne in inženirske ekipe, ki gradijo rešitve za predvajanje medijev (Media Playback).
Opening Keynote: The Road Through Complexity*
As the world around us grows ever more complex, the challenges we face demand new ways of thinking and working. In this keynote, we'll explore the evolving nature of complexity and why the tools that worked yesterday might not be enough for today’s problems.
Through compelling examples, we’ll journey across different domains, revealing how organizations have adapted—or struggled—to keep pace with change. You’ll discover how understanding the nature of the problem is the first step to choosing the right approach and why empowering people doing the work is critical to success.
Join me as we unpack the layers of complexity and equip ourselves with the insights needed to navigate the road ahead.
*Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.