Nino Zeljko
Kdo je Nino?
Po desetih letih dela kot razvijalec programske opreme je Nino začel svojo pot kot agilni trener in od takrat pomaga ljudem in organizacijam odkrivati boljše načine dela. V teh letih je sodeloval s številnimi organizacijami, ekipami in vodji. Njegova strast je pomagati jim pri spremembah in izboljšavah ter ustvarjati okolja, kjer se ljudje počutijo bolj zadovoljne in angažirane, kar jim omogoča, da izkoristijo svoj potencial, dosežejo boljše poslovne rezultate in svojim strankam zagotovijo boljše izdelke in storitve.
Change as a capability*
In today’s VUCA world, where nothing ever stays the same, the ability to continuously change and adapt to new circumstances becomes a necessity for many organizations. Learning how to change is even more important than the change itself as organizations will never get to an end state where they are “Done”. Instead, they need to learn how to continuously evolve and improve. Therefore, being able to change needs to become a capability of the organization in order to succeed and survive.
In this session, based on what I have learned as a practitioner and from others, I will share my views about managing and leading any change in the organization, useful tools and practices, and some stories from the real world.
*Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.