Zuzana Sochova
Kdo je Zuzana?
Zuzana “Zuzi” Sochova je neodvisna agilna coachinja in svetovalka v velikih in manjših organizacijeh po celem svetu. Je redna predavateljica na mednarodnih konferencah o agilnosti. Je tudi ustanoviteljica agilnega združenja na Češkem (Agilni Asociace), ki organizira agilno konferenco Agile Prague.
Z agilnostjo in Scrum-om se je začela ukvarjati že leta 2005, ko je sodelovala pri implementaciji agilnih metod v Medtronicu, ZDA. Nato je bila odgovorna za agilno transformacijo in implementacijo agilnosti in Scrum-a v številnih podjetjih.
Je avtorica knjig The Great Scrum Master: #ScrumMasterWay in The Agile Leader: Leveraging the Power of Influence.
Closing Keynote: Organizational Guide to Business Agility*
Join me for a deep dive into the world of business agility, exploring the five key areas that help organizations be resilient and successful in today's complex world. Together, we will explore how to create engaging cultures, build value-driven environments, be more customer-centric, form adaptive operations, and encourage catalyst leadership. We will also uncover the evolution towards embracing business agility.
Let's embark on this journey of growth and readiness for whatever challenges the future brings.
*Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.